"Following 20 years (2004-2024) of working at the DMV area under Laura Russell, owner and managing director of Washington Wellness, LLC, I opted to venture out (working for myself) as a Sole Proprietor and engage in independent contracting at a local health/ fitness club in Bethesda, MD."
"Client Centered Appropriate Massage" *Checking my opinions, experiences, and prejudices at the door. Not ignoring my own needs but instead holding space for my clients to have their own unique experience, while still honoring boundaries.
*When working with clients I always consider the following factors and addressed them systematically such as Ischemia, Trigger Points, Neural Interference, Postural and Biomechanical Dysfunction, Nutritional Factors and Emotional Wellbeing. Thru thorough assessment it helps reduce the underlying causes and helps decrease or eliminate the intensity of discomfort (Well informed consultation + Assessment = Safe & Effective Massage).